Within the United States
PYB ships within 3 business days. PYB ships via the US Postal Service or UPS anywhere in the US. Shipping charges will be added to each item and will show in your shopping cart and at checkout.
PYB ships International via the US Postal Service or DHL. Items are shipped Priority Mail Express International Mail. International Mail delivery times very by Location and Customs inspections. Orders may be subject to duties and taxes levied by the home country. PYB will not ship items declared as gifts to avoid duties and taxes.
Contact us at before ordering to find out the International shipping charges.
Return Policy
PYB Inc. guarantees SMarT Tools for one year to be free from manufacturer's defects. Upon receiving returned product, PYB Inc. will replace the product free of charge or refund the purchase price less shipping and handling. For further instructions contact us at
Polish Your Ball Inc.