Perspective Archives
The changing of the game.
Importance of refreshing the ball surface.
Save Money and Return Ball Reaction
Factory Finish Reproduction
Old to New Again Repeat surface & Save Money
Changing the ball surface
2011 PBA Tournament of Champions
Used with SMarT Tools
2011 Senior PBA US Open... Textures, Spares & Grit
The need for ball maintenance
Daily Ball Maintenance, Cleaning & Polishing
Care for Sanding Pads, Extend their Life
Ball surface affects performance
Create your Own Ball Finish (OBF)
Experimentation is the key
Using Polishes & Cleaners to your advantage
< Click on Link to Read Perspective
Resin Balls:
Resin Balls The Refreshing:
Two Reasons:
Let's Talk Scratch Patterns:
Record Keeping:
One Size Fits All:
The TOC and Me:
Sanding & Polishing Compounds:
Lessons Learned:
Rocket Science:
Abralon & SiaAir Pads:
Tracks & Track Flare:
To Each His Own:
Outside the Box-Finish:
The Angle & The Edge:
Polish Your Ball Inc.